Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Calf and Grill

Day 3 of no exercise.  It's not easy being on the sidelines from the gym.  I have been SO tempted to "just do a little" but I'm not good at that so I steered clear of the gym altogether.  My calf still hurts like hell when I squeeze the muscle but it's no longer feeling like it's going to cramp up at any second.  I got a compression sleeve on Monday and have been wearing it every day (except today, because I had shorts on, but I'm going to put it back on right now). I sure hope I am ready to go by Saturday.  It's Wednesday so I have 2.5 days of healing time left.  I mean, I think I'll be ready to go, I just hope I can GO!, if you know what I mean.  The upside is, this is a sprint triathlon I've done three times before.  It's not a big time event for which I've been training for months.  My point is, I won't be heartbroken if I have to hobble my way through it.

I've been keeping busy, using my extra hour to shop at Goodwill.  I got a couple more pair of short pants (what do you call shorts that go to your knee?  Long shorts? Short pants?).  I scored a cute pink pair a few weeks ago and have been loving them.  Monday I picked up a blue pair and a black pair.  I got some inexpensive t-shirts last week at Forever 21 (the type of store I could *never* shop at before) so I'm fairly solid in the summer clothes department.  Maybe by next summer I can wear tank tops (gasp!).

The other health/fitness related activity has been the arrival of the George Foreman challenge material.  I am excited that it cooks more than 1-2 servings. 

So I got right to work.  I took the kids to the library for story time this morning and then we walked to a local bakery for snacks.  The bakery gives a free cookie to the kids that go to story time, which is nice.  I steered clear of the baked goods and had a Fage 0% yogurt with a Del Monte canned lite mixed fruit.  I'd packed this and snacks for the kids before we left.  I was happy to get home and make a real lunch.

I washed the (removable) grill plates and then plugged it in to heat up (8 minutes).  Then I plopped my frozen chicken breast on there (Foster Farms, thin sliced from Costco) with a little salt and garlic powder.  I had nothing to go on in terms of how long it might take so I guessed at around 15 minutes.  The top puts pressure on the chicken so I figured it'd cook pretty quick, and it did.

The lone chicken breast.  No oil, just salt and garlic powder.

I put the chicken on my dressed up sandwich thin and voila!

Sandwich thin, mache, tomatoes, honey mustard, chicken breast - YUM!
And then I realized I need a bit more food so I sliced up some zucchini and put them on the grill.

Brushed on a hint of olive oil, then salt and pepper.
And 10 minutes later...

Grilled zucchini.
After I got the kids down for their naps I was able to sit down and enjoy my lunch.  3 Points for the sandwich thin, 3 points for the chicken, 1 point for the olive oil (though it was so little it probably doesn't even count) and there you have it, a super yummy 7 point lunch. 

But I am seriously itching to go to the gym.  I'm going to see if Miguel will clear me to go tonight.  I just want to get inside and do something.


  1. Yummy lunch! So nice they make the grill plates removable now. They used to be akin to clean. I hope that calf heals quickly! Good you're resting it. Could you go to the gym and just do core and upper body stuff?

  2. The zucchini looks delicious! Thanks for the idea ;) I'm looking forward to our garden yielding some fresh produce--soon, I hope!

  3. Capris. Short pants are called capris.

    Hope your leg gets better!


  4. The lunch looks great. Since we got the George foreman it has been used a lot. There are so many foods you can cook on it and you can create some really healthy tasty dishes.

  5. Yowzer! Let me get this straight. You deal with an injury for most of the week so you can't exercise like you usually do, you get a George Foreman grill, and you lose 5 pounds in a week! I'm digging my grill out of the closet. Next thing you know, they'll be paying you ; )


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