I'm so excited. Not only for the experience, but to finally be able to share it with YOU!
The big news and what Big Day #1 and Big Day #2, It's a Wrap! were all about is...
Ladies' Home Journal magazine included me in a feature article about maintaining weight loss! Myself, Roni Noone from Roni's Weigh and Erika Kendall from A Black Girls' Guide to Weight Loss are in the March edition of Ladies' Home Journal, about to hit store shelves any day now!
The three of us had so much fun at the photo shoot, and I think it shows. As you can imagine, we had a lot in common. I was so inspired and impressed by my two fellow bloggers, what an honor to be in this group!
When I walked into the photography studio and saw that giant poster of myself I couldn't help but cry. I felt the full weight of the transformation. A changed body, but more important, a changed me. But also the same me. I've always been a bit stubborn, or, let's call it determined. I've always been able to laugh in adversity, pick myself after a fall and, when all wrapped up in the messy details, step back and see the big picture. Those traits and more have been invaluable on this journey. I'm not a flashy before and after picture, I'm a real person just like you, who simply chose - and continues to choose - to never give up.
I think it's important to point out that I'm normal. I wrote about this in my Santa Cruz Triathlon race report. The fit, trim, (mostly) healthy-eating person I am now is not the person that started this journey. I said it best in that post so I'll just quote myself here.
Sometimes I meet people who say, "Oh wow, Michelle, I could never do what you've done, you're amazing! Look at you, you're so strong and fit, great job." They think the me they see now is the me that did this. And they think they're not like me. But this isn't the me that did this. The Michelle you see in front of you is not the woman that got me off the couch. Fat Michelle did that. Fat Michelle picked me up and carried me along the first difficult steps of this journey. And I thought of that phrase, on the shoulders of giants. Fat Michelle was my giant, my hero that picked me up before I was me. That brought me here. And I almost started crying. Any twinge of embarrassment or wincing that I ever felt when I saw my "before" pictures is entirely out of line. That is the woman that started this journey, not the me you see now.And that is the feeling that caused me to burst into tears when I saw the poster.
But now...let's have more fun!
We did group shots but we also did individual shots. Here are a few of my favorites.
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Bam! |
Want to read the article? It's available online now!
Please stop by, give it a "like" and if you love it, please share it. Ladies' Home Journal will see that you want stories about maintenance and about real women. Of course, they're already focused on real women, one of their hashtags is #womeninspiringwomen. I love it.
They also did a short video of us sharing our favorite tips.
Click here to watch the video. |
Do you know that hunky guy? He's Travis Stork, from The Doctors. We're going to be on TV! The show will air on Monday, February 10th. It's a syndicated show so you'll have to check your local listing for times. I was SO nervous during the filming I couldn't stop wondering if the audience could see my knees shaking! The whole segment was just over five minutes so at least it went fast. I can't wait to see it. Cannot. Wait.
I want to once again thank the amazing women of Ladies' Home Journal who were involved in putting this together. It was an experience of a lifetime.
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Susan, Moi, and Julie |
That's Susan Pocharski on my right, the woman who dreamed up the article. She's the one who chose us, who sent me this email back in July of last year, and got the whole ball rolling (and written!).
Hi, I am an editor at Ladies' Home Journal and am a big fan of your blog. I'd like to talk with you about a feature story we are working on in hopes you may want to be a part of it. - Many thanks, Susan PocharskiMany thanks to YOU Susan! Thank you for being interested in this story, for writing it, for being such an amazing support during our time in Los Angeles, for bringing out the best in us. Thank you!
Next to Susan is Julie Bain, one of the health editors at Ladies' Home Journal. Another fun, energized, supportive woman. She co-hosted our segment on The Doctors with Travis. Having her on-set helped me feel a bit more comfortable. Thanks for everything Julie!
Finally, I want to thank Clare Lissaman, the director of photography. Ironically I didn't get a picture with her but she was right there too, making sure we were shining our brightest. Thank you Clare!
Well, that's a wrap! I'll be on my couch at 3pm on Monday watching myself on TV, at the store waiting for it to open on Tuesday so I can buy my March copy of Ladies' Home Journal with Amy Poehler on the cover (love her!) and sharing everything with you until you can't stand it. Thank you for sharing in the excitement of this experience with me. It wouldn't be the same if I didn't have such cool readers to share this with. I'm off to cry now. Tears of joy, people, tears of joy.