I'm still feeling all puffed up inside after my run last night. I have to remind myself that every run won't be that fast. In fact I need to make myself do an "easy" run tomorrow in preparation for Sunday's 10 miler. Catherine has to run on Saturday so I'll be going solo. I plan to drive somewhere scenic, maybe Sausalito, to make the miles go by easier. There's a 30% chance of rain in the forecast for Sunday, which means a 70% chance of no rain, not bad odds.
As far as today, it's a rest day and my day home with the kids. We had a laid back day around the house, playing and cooking. I cooked up a batch of black beans in the slow cooker, I've been craving them lately. But we're having turkey burgers and sweet potato fries for dinner again because I want to use up the buns from last time. This time I made the burgers from scratch so they should be extra good. Of course I'll cook up a veggie too.
But the big meal for me was lunch. I grilled a filet of salmon with blackening spices on the Foreman along with some sliced zucchini. I cut them up and made a salad along with several tomatoes and 1/2 an avocado. I put two tablespoons of Paul Newman Lite Balsamic on and tossed it up...Yummy.
Blackened Salmon Salad |
The salad was HUGE. I was finishing it up and feeling full, wondering if I should stop instead of polishing it off just because it was there. But I told myself it was mostly vegetables and that the large glass of water was adding to my feeling full but I should probably finish the salad. I like the intuitive eating concepts, which would have encouraged me to stop. I could've always saved the rest in case I got hungry later. Anyway, blah blah blah, I ate the whole salad.
That's all I got today. I hope you've made choices you can feel good about today. And if not, make the next good decision and you'll be back on track. It really is that easy.
Isn't it great just to have a laid back day at home with the kids :) How do you fix the black beans in the crock pot? Seasonings? I love black beans but have only used them fresh for salads.
ReplyDeleteYes! I feel bad for the kids because I could have bundled them up for some outside time but I was too cozy in the house. The black beans are super basic, I cook 1.5lbs in 12c of water with 3teaspoons of salt for 6 hours on high. I don't pre-soak them (just rinse them off). The time will depend on your slow cooker, I had to experiment in the beginning. A lot of people cook them with chunks of onion and garlic (and then toss them when the beans are done) but I didn't notice a huge difference in taste when I did that. Then we eat them whole with rice, salsa and avocado or mash them up and make a sort-of refried beans with them. I put them in soups and chili too. And there's a quinoa black bean salad I want to try, which is partially why I made them. Unfortunately the kids like the canned refried black beans better (wouldn't ya know it) so we eat those a lot more than I'd prefer.