Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Lucky Runner

Saturdays are normally a day we reserve for family activities but Miguel had to work so the kids and I were flying as a threesome.  We had a birthday party in the morning, a pirate themed party, which was so fun.  The weather was gorgeous and they even had a pinata!  I'd had a pretty big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast so I wasn't that hungry at the party.  I still ate a sandwich and some chips.  Oh, and cake of course.  Myra got into the spirit of the party.

Aye matey, the pirate's life for me!
And I got into the spirit of warm weather!  Only four more days until spring officially starts.

After the party we all came home and enjoyed some down time.  I had been toying with the idea of walking the Emerald Across the Bay 12k the next morning (today) but when TTOTM started and I considered how cold it would be at 8am, I decided against it.  Just didn't sound like my idea of fun.

So Miguel and I went out for dinner.  It was a long day for both of us but we rallied.  We started in the bar where I had a vodka & soda or two.  We were eventually moved to a table but had been happier in the bar so we went back.  The restaurant just felt too bright.  Dinner was good.  For some reason steak sounded good to me so I ordered a cajun rib-eye, which came with spinach and jalapeno mashed potatoes.  I've had cheesecake on the brain lately so I had that for desert.  It wasn't as good in real life as it was in my head.  By the time we got home around 10:30pm I was exhausted and was asleep by 11pm.

The kids slept until 8am this morning.  Woo-hoo!!  I was actually awake before either of them.  I have a friend who needed a head-shot for her business so I ran to her house and took a few pictures before...wait for it...a neighborhood waffle party!  You heard right, a waffle party.  Our neighbors own a waffle truck and invited the neighborhood over to indulge.

And indulge we did.  We have a lot of kids in our neighborhood and they got to run around and play while the adults socialized.  It was a yummy gathering.  I had my camera so I snapped a few pictures of the sweet faire.

Freshly ironed
With chocolate sauce (I had mine with caramel and chocolate).
I hope you're not feeling too jealous right now!  I ate mine and then I might have finished off one of the kids, which was practically whole.  But at least I didn't take the offer to take some home.  Two crunchy/sweet/savory waffles with caramel, chocolate and whipped cream is probably enough for one day...or even for a month!

After the waffle party we took the kids to the soccer field.  Miguel had a game later in the afternoon so we took the kids early so he could kick the ball around with them while I got some exercise.  I had a plan to take a 30 minute walk.  We were in Sausalito, just a few blocks from the Mill Valley-Sausalito trail so I headed toward that.  But within a few minutes I felt the urge to run.  I was all alone with myself and it didn't take long to convince myself it was ok to run as long as I took it really easy.  And I agreed with myself that I would stop if I felt winded.  I'm so easy to please when negotiating with myself.

I started running and for the first few minutes my body felt a little weird, like I was moving in places that aren't used to moving.  It wasn't a bad feeling at all, just different.  But within about 5 minutes I settled into an easy, comfortable pace.  I coughed a little bit here and there, which I think was probably good for my lungs.  My doctor actually said they used to recommend a jog around the block to help clear out the lungs.  This turned out to be a bit longer than around the block, I think I ran for about 35 minutes.  I didn't have my Garmin on so I have no idea of distance or pace, other than "easy".

It felt so wonderful to be running!  The weather was pristine and my legs moved with ease.  There were only a few moments when I felt like I was working and each time I just slowed down.  I'm curious to know my pace but it's probably better that I don't.  Running by feel was what I really needed to do and seeing my pace could have messed with my attunement.  The most important thing was the positive feeling I had.  I just love running.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!  WW posted the above on their FB page this morning and when I saw it I was reminded of something I've been told a time or two, "You're so lucky you like running."  Sometimes I take the time to tell the person about how I hated running for years, how I didn't start to like it until I trained for my first half-marathon and experienced the long run.  Something about a longer distance made running click for me and we've been in a beautiful love affair ever since.  Maybe I got my first runner's high, maybe it was a matter of confidence ("I can run, I really can!"), or maybe it was about relaxing - something you have to do on a long run - more likely it was a combination of all those things.  All I know is, I stuck with running for years despite not really liking it and eventually, I got lucky. 


  1. Awesome! Glad to see you out running! I didn't do a proper workout this week at all because I worked on my garden literally all day since Monday. Tuesday is my next running day and I am looking forward to it!

    1. Gardening is hard work! I bet you used a lot of muscles you're not used to using. Enjoy your run tomorrow!

  2. I love this post! Glad to hear you feeling better, happy and grateful! You've created such a wonderful life and it's all right there to see in Myra's joyful spirit and the easiness with your body you emit. Looking good, girl! xoxo

  3. Wow! I have been reading your blog a lot lately,just to get some inspiration and mostly the posts where your weight was what mine is right now, and looking at how far you've come, I feel hopeful that someday I will get to where you are right now!Thanks for sharing your journey.

    1. You're so welcome. And yes, stay the course, never give up on yourself or your goals, and you will get here. And you will LOVE it! In fact, you'll start loving it along the way. Glad you get inspired :)

  4. Hello,

    I have made a website on weightloss and I would really love if you would like to check it out. It is still in the works and I am working on sorting out the technical stuff, but in the end I will have a blog there to.

    Please, if you would have any suggestions on any improvements I can do on the site it would be great if you could take the time to let me know via the contact form.

    The address is:

    To your sucess.

    All the Best.

    The Admin


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