Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 16: Glad it's over

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This will be short.

I fumbled.

There was a hamburger. And fries. There was bread. And ice cream. There was rebellion. And regret.

It's over. And I'm human.

Tomorrow is a new day.


  1. It happens to the best of us. And you're right, that day is over. Onto the next one!

  2. What happen? , I don't understand :(

    1. I had a bad eating day. It's not my first, won't be my last. :)

  3. You had a feeling it was coming. Now it's outta your system and you can move forward. No biggie! I wouldn't even call it a "fumble." It's like you said, "You're human!" Today is a new day!

    1. You're so right. In the big picture, this isn't. Thanks!

  4. I am just so glad your blog exists. I've been in the process of getting healthier and losing weight for about 8 months now, and I've found your journey so, so valuable. You're real, and remarkable. Thank you for your honesty and your wisdom. -- Maggie

    1. You're welcome Maggie and I'm glad you're finding something useful here. 8 months is awesome, keep it up!

  5. Yup. It happens. To all of us. You have embraced the "fumble" and now it's time to play the rest of the game! Keep up the great work and inspiring all of us!!!

  6. Eh, it happens. No worries!

  7. This is day 3 for me . Day 2 my husband brought my son a birthday cake it . Yes a birthday cake who does that . Day 3 came along and I did a detox water. It happens but you can do it . I have just started I have 150 pounds to lose . I hope to one day lose it .

  8. It happens, but you have a good attitude towards slip ups. I wish I had the confidence to try something like that, you've made it so far already...!


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