Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mashed Potato Dust

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Moments ago I was struck with a craving for chocolate. Not so bad that I opened the bag of chocolate chips (that are patiently awaiting my next batch of chocolate chip cookies), but bad enough that I dug into the last unused party favor from Marek's birthday and ate the Lego shaped chocolate favors. It's better than eating ice cream, which is what I did last night. That reminds me, I need to unload that ice cream (also leftover from the party).

My overall eating remains just ok. As I've hinted at a few times, I'm going through some life transition stuff here and most days I feel if I can get through it and still be wearing the clothes in my closet then I'm doing pretty damn good. It's a tricky balance being understanding and gentle with myself while at the same time not making excuses to overeat or eat crap.

What helps is that my desire to eat various foods has really changed over these past seven years. For example, there's a Top Ramen in the cupboard that's been there for months. I bought it when I was having a Ramen moment but I never ate it. In years past it would've never sat on my shelf for months. Same goes with those chocolate chips. I'm no longer a slave to food in the way I was before. Hallelujah for that, right?

That said, my food junkie genes are alive and well. Someone gave us a few tubes of Pringles because they'd bought them and didn't really like the flavor. Why did I accept them? Or if I felt I had to, why didn't I immediately dump them? No, instead I ate 'em, pretty much all of them myself, over the past couple weeks. Pringles have got to be one of the lowest life forms of food in existence. I mean, are they even made from potatoes? Possibly, but I imagine them being made from the dust that's left on the side of the pot after making mashed potatoes. Yes, mashed potato dust, flavored with artificial sour cream and green onion chemicals...I'll have more of those please.

Exercise is pretty good. I did the run on Sunday. Yesterday I went to the gym. Because I left work late I had to do a mini-workout, 15 minutes on the upright bike followed by chest/triceps/core. I didn't have enough time to do my full strength training routine so I just did what I could. I think I exercised for maybe 45 minutes total, if that. Because of the shortened time I pushed myself harder than usual, I'm sure I looked like a maniac at times.

Today was a rest day. With working 5 days a week I chose Tuesday as a day to pick the kids up as early as possible to offset less time with them overall. They are always so happy when I show up in the middle of their afternoon snack instead of at the end of the day like I normally do. Mostly I try to do fun stuff with them but today a trip to the grocery store was in order. Which, come to think of it, they think is fun. Especially given the mini-grocery carts they have at Trader Joe's.

Ok, since this post has no pictures how about I share an outtake picture from our LHJ photo shoot? I love this one.

Good night all.


  1. For you and me, "Just because they're calling my name, doesn't mean I have to answer." Working on it. You mean to tell me they each get a cart AND you get shopping done?!

    1. Right. I need the witness protection program from my food. "Michelllllllleeee!"

      "There's no Michelle here, I'm Katie."

      Only Marek had the cart thankfully. Myra rode with me. It won't be long though before she wants her own too.

  2. For you and me, "Just because they're calling my name, doesn't mean I have to answer." Working on it. You mean they each get a cart AND you get shopping done?!

  3. I love your blog. Thanks for the insight to things I already know. I don't run, but love to walk. I am a teacher and I am sooooo exhausted when I finish my 12 hour day, I don't feel like doing anything except sitting on my couch. I have gained 10 lbs since September. :( I did mow my front lawn today, though. Keep up your good works!!

    1. Thank you!

      I know the too-tired-to-exercise feeling but believe me, you get a second wind from exercise and instead of going home and sitting on the couch after the gym, I'm all pumped up for the evening routine.

      Why not start with something easier than exercise, like you did, mow the lawn, visit a friend, go to the library, anything other than the couch. Once you are out of the couch routine you can step it up to exercise. Start small.

  4. Nice photo! And I laughed at your comment about Pringles. I ate a few of my daughter's Cheetos the other day. I think they must glow in the dark. Is that even really a food?

    1. Oh yeah, Cheetos are made from the same dust but with that added fake orange color. Scary stuff! Unfortunately, that doesn't stop me from eating it sometimes :/

  5. Love the picture at the end. And glad the exercise is coming along nicely. We all need rest days too, that's perfectly normal :)

    1. Thanks! Yep, I'm happy with my rest days. Two days off each week. I strive for 5 days a week of exercise but 4 makes me pretty happy too.

  6. Those days when the food is calling your name are the worst. Most of the time, I'm fine. But every once in a while, I have a day where I don't feel satisfied no matter what I eat. Usually I can muster enough willpower to stop when I've tracked my daily allotment, but once in a while...

    Wake up in a haze, fingers smeared with salt, and a stomach hangover to remind you of all those questionable decisions. Bleh.


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