Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Separation

This blog is about my weight loss and maintenance journey but along the way, the story of my life drifts in too. Miguel and I met over 13 years ago and started a love story that led to marriage and two beautiful babies. And life is complicated, and so is love. So I'm writing to say we're separated. This is the personal struggle I've been referencing for more than a year. If you've been through something like this, then you know. With change comes plenty of heartbreak and sadness.

And yet, because there's also plenty of love and joy, our family endures. Our marriage partnership is ending but we are both so blessed to have from that two adorable children that we love beyond words, and so the four of us will always be connected as a family. Our children are doing well, we still care about and respect one another - and my humble heart is beyond grateful for that - and the power of that caring coupled with our love for our little ones, is driving us to do this in the very best way we can. I won't be sharing details beyond this post because mine is not a blog about my marriage or family and because this is deeply personal for us and our children. But I will continue to write about the ways the change and all that comes with it impacts my eating and fitness and will connect the two when appropriate.

The readers of this blog have been a huge support to me. I've hinted around at a life struggle that has challenged the confidence and routine I had, and you've told me time and time again, both here and on my Facebook page, that I'll figure it out. And I'm getting there. More on that in my next post. I hope now that I've shared this big change in my life, writing will once again come easy. Thank you for listening.


  1. There is courage in facing a difficult decision with honesty and openness, magnified x1000 when you are describing a very personal matter through a public forum. Life is complicated! I feel this is a relief for you to write it and now we move forward with you, one step at a time, marking progress on our similar, but ultimately individual, paths toward wellness.

  2. *hugs* Take care of yourself. Sounds like everybody is being very rational and gentle about this, which is wonderful. You're a strong person, you'll continue to get through this.

  3. I'm going through the same journey and it hurts. Like you I have been open about the fact that it's happening but quiet about the particulars. It is no ones business but your own. Kudos to you. Keep it together (I've gained 15 pounds since the official separation...grrrrr). You've got this!!! ~~~hugs~~~

  4. Hugs Michelle. Love your wording....'because there's plenty of love and joy, our family endures'. I'm sure this post wasn't easy to write. But, I do hope we will get to see more posts from you. I have certainly missed you.

  5. Thank you for sharing this. I realize you struggle to balance writing about your Personal Journey vs. your Personal Life. I hope the writing of it was cathartic in some way, and provides you a path to writing again, only because you've mentioned so many times what a wonderful anchor and outlet the blog has been for you over these years.

  6. i'm so sorry you're going thru this, but you know you have many, many friends that support you. i am one of them. you have helped me when i was trying to figure stuff out with my blog and i am eternally grateful. i hope the best for you and that in the end everything will work out. *hugs*

  7. Bless you and your! Change is hard. But through great struggle comes great growth. Wishing you love and kindness!

  8. stay strong - it takes a loooooot of courage to move on. I did it just over 4 years ago and it was hard but I know it was the right thing to do. You have a lot of support. We are here for you. Share if you wish, or not, we are still here - reading and living life just like you. You are a great inspiration to me! Keep telling us the tales of the aspiring maintainer!!

  9. I am so sorry Michelle! But you are a strong woman, you will get through it!

  10. Brave for sharing Michelle! Lots of respect, prayers and caring thoughts from this long time reader. Look after yourself and make sure you don't forget time for you! Your honesty and inspiration have travelled all the way to this Aussie. :)


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