Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mostly Good and a Little Not Good

A quick update before our weekend activities get underway. So the good first, right? My legs aren't sore (mostly)! I was worried working my quads so hard would have me in agony on Friday or today but not so. The little bit of not good is that I do have some pain - but not what I was expecting. My gracilis is sore. In simpler terms, my inner thigh hurts, mostly on my left leg. I looked up a muscle chart and the arrow pointing to the area that hurts is gracilis, though it could easily be my adductor muscles. But the more important point is that other than this my legs are fine! I am limping because of the inner leg pain but I'm going to take some tylenol and I bet that will be enough to fix it.

The other good is that I had a loss this week! I am down .4 pounds to 193.8 pounds. I really liked seeing that 3 on the scale. Moving in the right direction! I was talking to my friend Stacy and she reminded me that my heart, lungs, etc are getting stronger too and to keep that in mind. It's true, my heart rate is already trending lower than when I started. Even when I'm really pushing myself on the bike I generally don't go into the 160's. I love my heart rate monitor.

So I have something a little different on the exercise agenda this weekend. A new place called The Dailey Method is opening up in our town and they are doing free classes to draw folks in. I'm really curious about it, I like the natural movement aspect. I'm taking one class today and one tomorrow. I hope my leg pain doesn't stop me from being able to enjoy the class. If I like it maybe I'll buy a pack of classes to mix things up when needed. That's if I have the money, we are tight these days and money for extra fitness stuff isn't really on the agenda. Between buying a house and Miguel being out of work for a few months, well, we're still recovering. Maybe for a Christmas present? Anyway, I'll definitely write all about my experience.

We have a lot more going on besides that. Today we're headed out to the family picnic put on by my mother's club. This event is fun! And Marek is old enough this year to appreciate it more I think. They have a bouncy house and entertainers for the kids, face painting, slushies, etc, etc. Miguel is taking his final RDA exam today so it should be interesting managing both kids on my own. Thank goodness for my mommy friends that will be there. Tonight my mom is coming over to spend the night for double-time with the kids and on Sunday morning we're all headed to the pool for the pufferfish swim lessons. We took our first lesson last Sunday. We're VERY lucky that both kids LOVE water.

Miguel just called, he thinks his test went well! Let's hope he passed!! Ok, I'm off to get ready for the picnic. Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of Yays! An early congrats to Miguel, a good kind of downward spiral on the scale, strong legs, gorgeous happy children, and a fun day with your fun moms. Enjoy! Xo


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