First off, some fun Blogger news. I can now "reply" to comments directly. I love that! So if you do comment, check back, I probably had something to say in response. I am a bit of a chatterbox you know.
Now, on with the yesterday, Friday, I wasn't sure about going to the gym. It would be the 6th day of exercise in the week, and usually I keep it to only 5. But on two of those days I didn't lift weights, I swam on Tuesday and did the 4th of July run on Wednesday. Plus I felt good so I decided to go. I did a 25 minute run, mostly at 6.0mph but threw in a few 6.5s, including doing the last 5 minutes at 6.5mph. I have to be careful, it feels good to push myself and see that I can do it, but I think this is how I started having calf cramp problems. So I've been wearing the compression sleeves on my calves the last couple of nights, including to bed, hoping that will help keep my sensitive calves happy. So far, no cramping. I'm also doing the foam roller after every workout. Anyway, after the run I did a very quick back/biceps/core workout because I was seriously pressed for time. But I threw in a few jumping jacks between sets when I was out of core work, I don't like to just "rest" between sets. I've got to squeeze everything I can out of my relatively short gym visits.
I'm usually beat tired on Friday nights and last night was no exception. Except, like a dork, I stayed up until after midnight doing some writing on another project. It was good stuff but I should have gone to bed. I got up this morning at 7:30am to get myself and the kids ready for our day of fun at
Children's Fairyland in Oakland. Miguel had to work so I took the kids solo and met some playgroup moms for a kids theater show followed by enjoying the park. We had fun watching the show - or at least I did. The kids were major wiggle worms and Marek kept asking, "is it over?" every time the audience applauded.
Click, Clack, Moo! |
We stood in line for way too long to ride the train (what is it with those kiddie train lines?! they are always so friggin' long!) and then had lunch. I ate light, a cup of FF (I know, should have purchased low fat) cottage cheese with a fruit cup. Later at home I had a string cheese and some leftover chicken and steak from the other night. Lots of fruit too.
The kiddies enjoying a snack before we head home. |
Whew! It's a warm day today and wrangling these toddlers is like wrangling cats, I'm feeling a bit tired and think I might need a second cup of coffee to make it through the rest of the day. But it was fun overall and I know the kids enjoyed themselves. Tomorrow is Sunday, still not sure what activity I'm going to do. I usually try and get outdoors for a run or bike, or both. No firm plans yet but I'll come up with something I'm sure. Ok, I'm off to get ready for a girls dinner. What we're eating is still up in the air, could be Mexican, could be pizza. I hope it's Mexican, a lot easier to eat healthy that way.
A rare picture of me with both kids, watching the show. (Thanks Monique!) |
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