Monday, January 19, 2015


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If you do nothing else, run!

I had so many thoughts during my 25 minute run today but the one above stood out. Just run. And as I was running up this big hill near my gym I reminded myself that there was a time when I wouldn't have been able to walk up that hill, let alone run. Keep things in perspective, that's the point.

After the run I went into the gym and did a random mix of strength training - fifteen pushups here, ten decline crunches there - for 20 minutes or so before returning home.

I had to give myself a strong nudge to exercise today, and when it was over I was so glad I had. I really needed that run. I really needed to be reminded that I am stronger than I was.

Eating is as eating is...for now. I'm being patient, kind, compassionate and thoughtful with myself. I know I'm a bit astray, but I'm not lost.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on running! It is too cold for running here so I tried the exercise bike. Doesn't compare but at least it is something


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