Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sunday is my Funday

What a weekend.  It was so action packed that it's now Tuesday and I'm just now getting around to this post.  Saturday I went to dinner at a friend's house.  We ordered in Thai food, which was super yummy.  I had a fried spring roll that wasn't that good and I actually didn't finish it!  In the past I would have finished it out of the belief that "I like spring rolls", even if it wasn't actually that tasty.  Progress.

On Sunday I started out the day with a trail run.  I ran about 3 miles at Indian Valley open space.  I kept an 11 minute mile pace, which is friggin' incredible for trail running.  After the run I went to the gym and did legs/shoulders/core for strength training.  I was in the middle of my workout when I realized this is a Week 4, which means I should be doing a recovery week.  Less intensity.  Whoops.  So I finished my workout as-is but decided the rest of the week will be recovery oriented.

Sunday evening I met a friend in SF for dinner.  We had Indian food.  Yummy!  I had another good NSV (non-scale victory) when I stopped eating because I was full.  Usually when I'm eating really good restaurant food I just keep eating, even if I'm uncomfortable.  I had the leftovers wrapped up.

I woke up yesterday (Monday), to a sore body.  Especially my glutes.  Good thing this is recovery week.  I went to the gym after work and did 25 minutes on the bike, Level 5.  I did my best to take things easy.  I did chest/triceps/core afterward and dropped from 3 sets to two on everything.  Afterward I did some foam rolling of the calves and a bit of the IT band and glutes.  Ouch on the glutes.  Usually those don't hurt at all.  Today (Tuesday) I'm planning to hit the gym after work again but I think I'm going to walk instead of run.  If I tell myself to run at a slower pace I betcha anything I'll get antsy and up the pace.  Or maybe I should do something different altogether, like the elliptical.  I like that idea.  Or a class...even better!

I hopped on the scale this morning.  Oh foolish me.  I am up some crazy number of pounds.  Like 4 I think.  Is it TTOTM?  I don't even know. Whatever.  I can deal.  It's only the scale after all.  It can't see my cute size 6 pink capri pants, or the muscles in my arms.  It doesn't know I stopped eating when I was feeling full on Sunday, or that I had a lovely salad with my dinner last night.  Sorry scale, not this time buddy.  Not this time.  Michelle: 1, Scale: 0.


  1. This was such a great post!! I some times get so caught up in the number on the scale that I forget to give myself a pat on the back in other areas!!

    1. Right? And it's SO IMPORTANT to balance that number with the rest of what's going on. It's never *all* bad.

  2. A size 6?!?! Who cares what the scale says when you're wearing a size 6? Good going on the eating monitoring. Progress all over the place. I wonder why your glutes are sore. We're there hills on the trail Sunday?

    1. The sore glutes were a bit of a mystery. There are a few hills but nothing out of the ordinary.

      "Who cares what the scale says when you're wearing a size 6?" This is a very good point. A very good point indeed.

  3. Ok, i'm with Kristy....size six? WOW!

    Wow, those are some HUGE non-scale victories! Serious victories!

    1. Thanks MaryFran. I'm off to check out your blog :)


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