Sunday, November 27, 2011

An Obscene Number

So curiosity got the better of me and I got on the scale this morning.  Big. Mistake.  I was up.  I was so up that I am not going to document that number.  I am going to take a holiday pass and march on toward next Friday's weigh-in.  Hopefully if I'm careful I can undo some of the damage.

Today started off rocky when I woke up with a headache.  Actually I went to bed with a headache last night.  Might have been the Snickers bar.  I ended up eating about 2/3 of it during the last 20 minutes of our car ride.  I took some Excedrin PM and hit the sack around 12:30am.  Woke up at 8am (thank you kids!) and took some regular Excedrin.  We hung around for a while at the house, made waffles for breakfast and put all the stuff away from our trip, and thankfully my headache went away. 

I left for the gym feeling a bit tired but ready to get moving in any case.  I ran outside in the most perfect fall weather - 57 degrees, slightly overcast, no wind.  It was just lovely.  I ran a smidge over 2.5 miles in 32 minutes.  I had some tightening and discomfort above my achilles area and shins for the first 15 minutes or so but once I was warmed up that went away.  I really, really, really enjoyed the run.

After that I did legs/shoulders/core for strength training before hitting the step mill for 5 minutes at 50 steps per minute.  Whew!  I got my stretching done and left for the grocery store feeling revived and alive.  I love exercise, it's the magic cure for what ails you.

By the way, grocery shopping right after the gym is the way to go.  I bought tons of salad fixings and wasn't tempted by anything less than healthy.  Miguel's already offered to cook dinner.  I have black beans on the stove and he'll do the rest. 

Well, it's back to the grind in the morning.  I'm going to really focus on myself and my goals this week.  I need a rebound from all that food!

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